How to Get Rid of Anxiety Simply and Naturally


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How to get rid of anxiety simply and naturally?  Whilst many people turn to medication to treat anxiety there are many natural ways to stay calm and happy.

Anxiety is a feeling of fear, anticipation, or suspicion that can occur when facing a difficult situation. It can be very damaging and interfere with your quality of life. There are many ways to control anxiety in simple and natural ways. Here are 6 tips that can help accomplish that.   We’ll review them in our article for the supporters of simple and natural interventions.


How to get rid of anxiety with exercise

Is it good to exercise when anxious?


how to get rid of stress and anxietyExercise has always been touted as the ultimate general health tonic. It is said that nothing can beat exercise in terms of reducing stress and improving overall mood.

Exercise to reduce anxiety could take the form of a hard workout in the gym.  It could be striding out for a walk in the countryside or a more relaxing yoga or Tai Chi session.  Hopping into a kayak for paddle …

You get the idea.  Any exercise undertaken in controlled and safe environment is good exercise.


So how does exercise actually reduce anxiety?


Exercise triggers a variety of physical reactions throughout the body, especially in the brain.

This is because when putting your muscles through their paces, your nervous system sends signals to stimulate the release of mood-boosting chemicals called endorphins. Endorphins reduce pain and induce feelings of euphoria – similar to the effect that morphine has on our bodies. So, working out causes us to experience some kind of ‘high’.  This is the reason many people find exercise addictive. (1) When done correctly, exercise can play a key role in decreasing stress levels.  It does so by increasing serotonin, often called the ‘feel-good’ hormone.

Yoga, specifically,  acts on the muscular, nervous and glandular systems of the body.   It relieves tension build-up both physically and emotionally.  Many people turn to yoga as a way of combating high levels of stress brought on by the demands of modern living.


Mindfulness and meditation are great to reduce anxiety


how to get rid of stress and anxietyMeditation is a practice that focuses on the conscious reprogramming of the mind. It is intended to enable you to accept your anxiety rather than feel threatened by it.  The net result is that you calm yourself down naturally. Meditation can be done in many forms such as formal sitting meditation or simply focusing on your breathing.   The important aspect is that you should try and clear your mind of all thoughts and emotions.

Meditation has been shown to reduce activity in the left side of the prefrontal cortex.  That is an area of the brain linked with depression and other negative moods. (2) As well as calming what’s going on in our minds, we can also influence our body chemistry through meditation.


Breathing Techniques for Anxiety


how to get rid of stress and anxietyWhen you are stressed and anxious your breathing can get out of control. This hyperventilation sends signals to your brain that trigger the fight or flight response – it prepares you for action by triggering a surge in your blood pressure and releasing stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol.

When practiced regularly, breathing exercises can help bring about long-term changes in breathing patterns and also teach people how to be aware of when they are becoming anxious. They can then learn how to calm themselves down before their anxiety levels escalate catastrophically.

By slowing down our breathing we give ourselves time. This helps us stay calm in high-stress situations so we don’t get overcome with anxiety. So how to incorporate this strategy into our day?  Make meditation for 20 minutes first thing in the morning how you start your day.    Meditation 20 minutes before bedtime is how you end your day.  This schedule can help bring about long-term changes in breathing patterns. Square, roll or belly breathing are the most popular techniques. (7)

Read our article Habits to Beat Stress and Anxiety  for more ideas on how to make your positive lifestyle changes permanent.

Deep breathing when done correctly helps to slow down this process.  It by gets oxygen into our bodies at a rate that allows us to feel calm and relaxed. By observing our breath, we become mindful of the way we are feeling. Becoming aware of your surroundings in a mindful way can also help reduce anxiety.

This is done by using all the senses.


Anxiety Grounding Techniques


What are Grounding Techniques for Panic Attacks?

how to get rid of stress and anxietyAnxiety grounding techniques are a way to focus your attention on the present and manage your anxiety. By focusing on the physical sensations in your body, you can ground yourself and interrupt the cycle of anxious thoughts. There are many different techniques that can be used, but here are five of the most popular ones:

First of all, look at what you can see around you; touch objects that are near to you; become aware of what you can smell and hear and finally taste something. These are examples of grounding and is a way to come back to the present moment when you feel out of control. (9)


Foods That Cause Anxiety and Panic Attacks


There are some trigger foods that can lead to feelings of anxiety in certain people. Foods that trigger anxiety in one person might have no effect on another. So what kinds of food should I avoid if I want to reduce my anxiety?

how to get rid of stress and anxietyCaffeine causes the release of adrenaline and cortisol, hormones linked to the fight or flight reaction. This stimulated state causes increased heartbeat and faster breathing, both of which lead to feelings of anxiety. Too much caffeine can also lead to a lack of sleep which makes you tired and grumpy and compounds the effects of anxiety.

Refined Sugars – if you add sugar into the mix with caffeine – either in a cup of joe or one of the popular (so called) energy drinks – the effect on anxiety is increased. (3) Refined sugar increases energy levels by raising blood sugar. However, it is used by the body very quickly causing a crash which leads to low mood, irritability and feelings of anxiety.

A lot of people drink alcohol as a way of coping with their anxiety. However, alcohol is a depressant. This can make your anxiety worse and make you less likely to feel like doing the things that de-stress you (such as exercise and meditation). Alcohol also tends to disrupt sleep which can worsen feelings of anxiety by making us too tired to function properly the next day.

Studies show that artificial sweeteners can increase anxious thoughts and behaviour in some people; particularly those prone already to mood fluctuations. The study suggested a reduction on serotonin which is responsible for regulating our moods. (8)

Likewise, it is good to include some foods that help calm anxiety.


Foods That Reduce Anxiety and Depression


One of the best types of foods are those that contain probiotics (also known as good bacteria). These are fermented foods like pickled vegetables like sauerkraut, kefir and kombucha. These bacteria are part of the process of making the feel-good hormones like serotonin.   That is why it is important to include them in your diet if you suffer from anxiety or stress. (4)

how to get rid of stress and anxietyThe good news is that dark chocolate is also great for improving how you feel. It contains antioxidants that help reduce cortisol which is the stress hormone.  Yay, let’s hear it for dark chocolate!

Other foods that contain antioxidants are many fruits and vegetables. Leafy vegetables also contain magnesium which is also great for reducing anxiety and helps you to relax. (5) Likewise, zinc is another mineral great for regulating the nervous system. Zinc is found in seafood and eggs. (6)

Eating healthy foods will not cure anxiety but it will keep your immune system fighting fit. This gives you the best chance to be on the best form you can be when challenged with anxiety.


To Sum Up


In conclusion, there are many ways to get rid of anxiety naturally. Some people find relief through diet and lifestyle changes, while others find relief through supplements or therapy. These natural remedies are less invasive medically, but more invasive to your lifestyle.

No matter what method you choose, don’t be afraid to ask for help if needed. There is no shame in seeking out professional help to overcome a mental health disorder. With time and patience, you can overcome your anxiety and live a happy, healthy life.

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  1. Can exercise help treat anxiety?
  2. Effects of Mindfulness on Psychological Health: A Review of Empirical Studies
  3. Sucrose or sucrose and caffeine differentially impact memory and anxiety-like behaviours, and alter hippocampal parvalbumin and doublecortin
  4. Gut-Brain Psychology: Rethinking Psychology From the Microbiota–Gut–Brain Axis
  5. How To Take Magnesium For Anxiety Or Depression
  6. Could A Zinc Deficiency Contribute to Anxiety & Low Mood?
  7. Stress Management: Breathing Exercises for Relaxation
  8. Nutrition as Metabolic Treatment for Anxiety
  9. The 5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Technique: Manage Anxiety By Anchoring In The Present


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