Supplements for Digestive Health



Supplements for Digestive Health



Digestive health, or gut health as it is also referred to, is very important to us all.  It is absolutely necessary for normal bowel motions and effective digestion.  You must have a robust microbiome that has a large diversity of healthy microbes. Having a healthy digestive tract not only boosts the absorption of nutrients but also helps you feel your absolute best. You can improve the health of your gut microbiota.  You can improve the digestive tract itself, and your body as a whole by doing several things on a daily basis.

Eating probiotic foods like yoghurt, sauerkraut, and kefir is an excellent strategy to boost the health of your digestive tract. This can be backed up by eating foods that are high in fibre. These foods, such as fibrous vegetables, are what the healthy bacteria like to eat. In so doing, they can break down foods that humans are not able to, and it gives them the nutrients that they require too. This is called a symbiotic relationship, meaning organisms (them and us) live together in harmony and support each other.



Probiotic Supplements


However, sometimes life gets in the way, and we can get sick. When we get sick, we can be prescribed anti-biotics to kill off infections. This is good news for us but bad news for the microbes living in our gut.  What happens is that the anti-biotics destroy them too. When this happens, it may be necessary to take a probiotic supplement to replenish the gut.

To do this, you can take the probiotic supplement after you have finished the whole course of anti-biotics.   Or,  they can be taken two to three hours away from taking the anti-biotics. Don’t take them at the same time because they will interact with the anti-biotics.  This will kill the probiotics, making it a waste of time and money.  It will also reduce the effectiveness of the anti-biotics in killing the infection that they were prescribed for. Anti-biotics can sometimes cause diarrhoea, so taking probiotics can ease this somewhat.

Probiotic supplements are billions of microscopic healthy gut bacteria in a capsule. The capsule means that they are protected from being broken down and killed by the stomach acid and can reach the gut intact. When buying probiotics, there are a few things to look out for. First of all, it is better to buy broad spectrum probiotics.   These supplements contain more than one, preferably several, species. For the gut to be healthy, it needs to maintain a diverse range of microbes.   There are between three and five hundred species, all of which interact with each other to boost gut health. Each species and strain of each species plays a part in supporting different aspects of health.



Psyllium Husk


Psyllium husk is a form of soluble fibre that can be used as a supplement to boost gut health. When it comes into contact with water, it swells and forms a gel. This gel helps to add bulk to the stool and prevents constipation, making the stool easier to pass. Psyllium husk can also help to stop diarrhoea by soaking up the excess water. It is available in powder form, as husks, or as a capsule.

Psyllium husk can also help with weight loss as it helps the bowel eliminate all waste. Psyllium husk is safe to take every day as a supplement in order to keep the bowel and gut working efficiently. The only disadvantage is that psyllium husk is not very enjoyable due to its unpleasant taste and texture. This is because it turns into a gel very quickly. For that reason, it is a good idea to mix it with plenty of water. Alternatively, you can disguise the taste by adding a teaspoonful to your daily smoothie.



Liquorish Root Extract


Another supplement you may want to try is liquorice extract. Liquorice extract is made from the root of the liquorice plant.   It has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine. Today, it is commonly used as flavouring in food and drink. However, liquorice extract can also help improve gut health. For example, liquorice extract is effective in reducing inflammation and helping the gut heal. Therefore  it can help reduce ulcers, especially those caused by taking anti-inflammatory medication. In addition, liquorice extract has also been shown to ease nausea and indigestion.

However, before taking a liquorice supplement, speak with a medical professional.   It can cause serious side effects and also affect the effectiveness of some medications. Finally, do not take liquorice extract if you are pregnant.   It has been known to affect the brain development of unborn babies and induce premature labour.





Zinc is a mineral that plays an important role in the immune system, healing, and repair. It is an effective supplement for leaky gut as it uses those capabilities to repair and strengthen the gut wall; A leaky gut is linked to the gastrointestinal disease Crohn’s disease. Zinc has also been found to help support the gut in this painful autoimmune disease. Zinc can be taken as a supplement alone or with other nutrients in a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement.





Glutamine is an amino acid, which is a building block of protein. Protein is used to grow and repair tissues in the body.  As such, glutamine helps to repair the gut wall when it is leaky, damaged, or inflamed. It then helps strong new cells grow. L-glutamine supplements can be taken in capsule, tablet, or powder form.



Collagen Peptides


Collagen peptides are also a form of protein, so they can be used for the same benefits as L-glutamine. Also known as gelatin, collagen peptides can help reduce inflammation in the gut. This is due to its anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant abilities.

There are many supplements you can take to help improve your gut health.  This can be after an illness, or to support the body in repairing the gut.  Supplements can preserve the health and number of beneficial bacteria in the gut.  They also protect the gut from damage and inflammation. These supplements can take the form of food or tablets taken on a daily basis.

With all that said, nothing replaces eating a healthy diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.  Add in taking regular exercise, and getting restorative sleep.  You will be on your way to improving your gut health and might not need supplements at all!


Click here for our section of articles on Gut Health

Click here for the article, What Are Liquorice Root’s Benefits and Downsides?