8 Things To Be Grateful For as We Age


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8 Things To Be Grateful For as We Age


As you age, you may find it difficult to find things to be grateful for. There is a chance that your family or career did not turn out as you had visualized. It is also possible that your health will not allow you to be physically fit and able to do many activities. This is where gratitude can be a lifesaver for you. Here are 8 things to be thankful for as you age.


1. Do Your Bucket List

This is an amazing opportunity as you are already retired or soon to be. Many seniors sit at home and lament that they have nothing to do. If you didn’t plan for activities leading up to retirement, get started now.

Working and looking after children can be time-consuming. As a senior, you can say, “my time is my own.” This is the chance to read that book series you always wanted to. For example, one man collected the entire volume, “The History of Civilization,” by the Durants. It is 11 huge books, with the history broken into segments. He now has the time to sit and consume this amazing history set. He feels grateful for the collection and the time he now has to read.

Make a list of things you are grateful for that you can do but couldn’t do in your middle age. For example, you can travel or take up painting watercolors of landscapes you love.


2. Be Grateful for and Strengthen Friendships

Count the friendships you have had over the years. Some have come and gone for different reasons. You may have even ended a few because you realized it was an unhealthy relationship. Now be grateful for those long-lasting relationships you forged, and take the time to make the bond stronger. Be there for each other as you age, and express your gratitude for each friend verbally and with written notes.

Maybe pack up your bag and go for a road trip to visit those old friends.  What fun!  Or perhaps they are around the corner, and you can have a coffee group of them.  You won’t regret it.

Check out our article on why adult friendships are so important.  It might jumpstart your social life!


3. Fine Tune Yourself

As we go through school and 40-odd years of work, we may lose a sense of who we are as people. The pace of life was hectic. Now, as you are older, you can reflect on your overall makeup, and if you need to improve areas of your mental attitude, you can do that. Be thankful for the opportunity to fine-tune who you are. Next, find ways to show your gratitude and wisdom to younger people who may be struggling in different areas.


4. Enjoy the Discount Discovery

Hitting the senior years means that you will now get small rewards. There may have been times in your life when you wished you had a discount at the drugstore or for something bigger such as travel. Yes, the senior’s discounts are not huge, but something is better than nothing. Feel gratitude for having made it this far when so many do not and being around to get that freebie just because you have silver hair.  And have fun with it;  once you chase down a few coupons or deals, it can become a fun game.  I know where Wednesday Wing NIghts are, and how I can get a coffee for a buck.  It’s a fun game to play!

My Dad, who is now passed, used to spend a buck (this was a while ago, mind you) on gas to drive to a further grocery store so he could save two dollars on his purchase.  No kidding, and I used to give him a hard time about it, but he insisted on saving that dollar.    He checked the sales flyers religiously after he retired, and he had fun with it (and saved a couple bucks along the way, ha!).


5. Be Grateful for Time with Family

This is a golden opportunity to spend more time with your loved ones, including children and grandchildren. While they love seeing you, they are also grateful that you are there to lend an ear or even do something special for them.

Social media shows us a number of videos of elderly parents doing special things for their children. One video shows a father driving to his daughter’s house and spreading salt, so she doesn’t slip on her way to the car. Feel the gratitude that you are here and able to treat your children with love and respect. You may have had a career that cut down on the amount of time you could spend with your children. Now is your time to shine.


6. Be Grateful for Your Memories

As you move along in your senior years, you now have time to spend going through your positive memories. One special activity you can do is build a collage or scrapbook of old photographs. Take each special photograph and consider why you were grateful for that moment. Once you have built your collage, have a special dinner with your loved ones and share what you have done. They will be grateful for your love, and in time it will be a keepsake for them.


7. Hobby Til You Drop ! 

You now have the time to pursue not just one hobby but many. Working on hobbies will keep you mentally sharp. This is also a chance to be grateful for the grandchildren, and you can even share your hobby. For example, woodworking is an amazing hobby; any grandchild would love to do it with you.


8. Be Grateful for Technology

While technology can sometimes be overwhelming, it is something you can be grateful for as a senior. Think back to when parents had to write a letter to one of their children who had moved to another country. In comparison, you are able to connect instantly with your children no matter where they are.

You can also be grateful for the amazing advancements in medicine and overall self-care. You have specialized vitamins for seniors to keep you healthy, whereas your grandparents did not. Need a new hip?   No problem.  How about a knee or two?  Old news, that type of replacement.  How super is that , not being limited in your mobility as a senior?  My new hip is doing just great, thanks!

Check out this blog, thehiphiker.com .  The author (me!) shares a lot about his life after hip replacement, trying to motivate other folks to enjoy anac tive lifestyle to the fullest.  Give it a read, I hope you like it!

Think about how technology is helping you and be grateful for it.