Gratitude and Happiness


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Gratitude and Happiness


Gratitude and happiness go together like birds of a feather!  Are you ready for more joy and happiness in your life? It won’t come from winning the lotto. That kind of happiness is short-lived. Instead, you should practice daily gratitude for long-lasting happiness.

Let’s look at the top ways that gratitude can make you happy.


Gratitude and Emotions

We have a number of emotions that we can feel on any given day. You may have a day when your job drained you, and nothing went right. You may sometimes struggle with your self-worth and self-esteem. This, in turn, lowers the amount of daily happiness you feel as you struggle to believe you are worthwhile.

When this happens, it leaves you feeling like you were not part of the team and perhaps not worthy of working with those with you feel more accomplished. Practicing daily gratitude for what you do well and what you currently have in life will improve your self-worth. You will start to stand a little taller and speak with more confidence. You already have abundance in your life, and daily gratitude will make you thankful and start you on the path to helping others.


Traumatic Experiences 

When you go through traumatic experiences in life, it can severely reduce the amount of happiness you feel daily. Gratitude will help you regain that happiness. Emotional trauma can be caused by one person or even an entire family. When this happens, you need to remember the people you feel grateful for, like that friend who always listens.

Focus on the people who did not cause you trauma in your life and list why you are grateful for them. Gratitude and trauma are an unusual pair; however, people who have suffered a terrible accident or illness often find that gratitude helps. They increase their happiness by focusing on gratitude for what they have, what they have now, and the lessons that they have learned from their trauma.


Think of Gratitude as Holistic Water

Gratitude is like water. We need water to dilute liquids we find hard to drink. We need water to soften our skin and hydrate us. Gratitude dilutes our harsh emotions, such as anger, frustration, and stress. When those negative emotions become diluted, it leaves room for positive emotions such as happiness to grow.

Gratitude not only helps to grow happiness but also takes existing happiness and boosts it. Think of happiness as an ice cream sundae. It tastes great and makes you feel good. But what happens when you add one or two cherries to the top of that ice cream? The flavor is now boosted to the point that your taste buds are screaming with joy.


Gratitude and Happiness Go Hand in Hand

This is why gratitude and happiness go hand in hand. You experience an event such as your niece’s 1st birthday party. Without gratitude, you are happy and exchange pleasant words with your sibling. With gratitude and happiness, you double down. Your happiness now lights up the room, and people want to spend more time with you. They want to absorb the joy and happiness you bring wherever you go.  You see life experiences as an ongoing gift, and who doesn’t like to get a gift every day!


Caring and Sharing

Are you are caring and sharing sort of person? If you are, happiness is part of your life because you serve others. When your gratitude bank is low, you may not be looking out for the best interests of others. It becomes harder to volunteer when help is needed.

Work on building up your gratitude and spreading your love and joy to others. Standing by and not serving others will decrease your happiness, and we know that it is not what you want for yourself. As you help a co-worker with problems, you will feel happier. You will know in your heart that you are part of the solution to life’s problems.

In conclusion, I want to leave a link to this article by Robert Emmons, a leading researcher in gratitude and it’s positive impacts upon practitioners.  Please check it out !


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