6 Signs of Empowered Women


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6 Signs of Empowered Women


What are empowered women? For many, the idea of empowerment can be confusing or even at times unattainable. People often look externally for influences or even opportunities for empowerment.


The truth is that true power is an internal quality, it’s characteristics that support not only your individuality but also your journey. Here is an easy guide to the 6 most essential qualities of an empowered woman.


You know your identity.


An empowered woman has to first understand who she is. Your identity is an ever-present mixing of who you were, who you are, and who you want to be. This identity is often wrapped up in your purpose and what you hope you achieve in life. Without knowing who you are, you’ll find yourself being conformed and transformed by the influences of the world around you.


You set goals.


We often measure power by one’s ability to succeed, accomplish, or overcome. Without a goal, you’re leaving your outcomes and future to chance. Those with goals around you will often exert pressure, leaving the progress of your goals to their decisions.


An empowered woman not only sets goals but actively works to accomplish them. Prioritizing your objectives drive you on your mission. When you form this habit, you become agile in the face of adversity. You take control back into your own hands and with it the power to succeed.


You never stop learning.


Learning is fundamental to empowerment. As you learn, you begin to evolve who you are and what you are capable of. Many of the great minds today and throughout history have attributed their success to continued learning. While it may be daunting to admit we need to learn more, this practice is essential to growing into who we want to be.


Expanding your mind can and should be individualized for everyone. Formalized schooling can be a common and straightforward way to challenge your thinking, while specialized education through apprenticeships and mentor-mentee relationships can be a great way to build practical skills. Grow in what you know, but make sure to also expose yourself to new opportunities for empowerment.


You take care of yourself.


An empowered woman understands the importance of self-care. We can be our own biggest supporters or even our worst enemy. All the external care and support in the world means nothing without you being able to accept and receive it. When you begin to believe you are powerful, you will begin to see it too.


Start by re-affirming your identity daily. Love yourself, and not only the things you can do but also who you are, your internal personality, and your external body image. Your body and mind are the means by which you accomplish all things, so take care of them.


Eat food that helps you function, while also knowing when to treat yourself. Prepare every morning to confidently shine, while knowing that the external beauty is only ever a reflection of your internal beauty and self-worth. Finally, understand that life is a marathon, not a sprint, you deserve a break.


You build up your surroundings.


Empowered women, empower women. In finding your identity and purpose you become an example for women around you in finding theirs. You give of your time and value because there is a direct correlation between your investment and your goals.


This impact on the community is seen in a study titled “Empowerment of women and its association with the health of the community” where researchers were able to find an association between empowered women and many key health factors of their surrounding communities.


You challenge the status quo.


Finally, you challenge the status quo. As an empowered woman, you see challenges as opportunities. Whether in the workforce, at home, or with your hobbies or activities, you push to break preconceived notions because you believe in your ability more than you believe in other’s limits.




If you’re not empowered yet, then start today. The identity that makes you who you are will give purpose to the goals that you set. You can strive to be the best version of yourself while simultaneously being self-confident in who you are right now. When you find this inner power, the influence you will have on not only those around you but the world around you as well, you will know that you are an empowered woman.