Signs You Have Difficulties in Decision-Making


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Signs You Have Difficulties in Decision-Making


There are observable signs that one may have difficulties in decision-making, and we will discuss them in this article.  Carrie Barron, M.D. is the director of Dell Medical School’s creativity for resilience program.  In an article for for , she argues that people who have trouble making decisions may be dealing with a range of mental health conditions. Depression, anxiety, and failure phobia are a few of these.

Inability to make crucial decisions can be a problem, even when it involves minor decisions like what to wear or eat. This can cause issues in our personal and professional life, causing us to lose out on critical opportunities.  Let’s move on and find out more.


Being a Perfectionist


An unwillingness to make judgments is one of the indications that someone might be a perfectionist, according to Psychologist Ellen Hendriksen, Ph.D. It could seem surprising because you might think a perfectionist is well-organized and makes decisions easily.  This is true for some of them.  For some perfectionists, though, the situation is actually the opposite.

The tendency for perfectionists to avoid making decisions might be attributed to their fear of making mistakes and being less than ideal (click here to read her entire article ) .

Perfectionists who have trouble making decisions frequently feel overpowered by their options. They don’t want to select the incorrect attire or order the wrong food for a gathering. They may take a very long time to decide on anything simple.




Some folks will plan and replan an event while considering all possible outcomes. They frequently become stressed out as a result of their extreme overthinking. They frequently have trouble making decisions as a result of their excessive preparation and thinking.

Good decision-making requires critical thought, and overthinking has a tendency to obscure it. It could be a little issue that prevents a more significant choice from being made.

Overthinking is a process of ruminating on a thought or problem to an excessive degree.  This often results in anxiety and indecision.  It can have significant impacts on decision making.   Overthinking may prevent the individual from being able to make timely decisions with confidence. It can create stress and confusion.   The person finds themselves stuck in a loop of analyzing different options without being able to reach any conclusion.

Overthinking can lead to missed opportunities and wasted time.  It drains both physical and mental energy from its victims. Along with reducing productivity, it can also cause feelings of distress, regret, guilt and self-doubt. There are methods which aim to reduce overthinking.   These include mindfulness techniques and cognitive behavioural therapy.  These practices help individuals become more aware of their thoughts.  This results in focusing their attention onto the actionable steps needed for successful decision making.


Trying to please everyone


According to psychotherapist Amy Morin, people-pleasers believe that by saying “yes” to everything, they will feel accepted and appreciated. They have characteristics that make it challenging for them to make their own decisions, so to speak.

They will take actions that they believe will win people over in an effort to appease them. Frequently, these are not the best decisions for them. Click here to read her complete article .

People pleasers occupy their time with other people’s worries rather than taking care of what is best for them personally.

People pleasing is a common phenomenon that can have an effect on decision making. It involves a person’s tendency to prioritize the wants and needs of others over their own, often leading to indecision or difficulty in taking decisive action. This is because people pleasers may struggle with asserting their opinion and feel uncomfortable about making choices without considering potential consequences for everyone concerned.

When it comes to decision making, people pleasers can find it hard to make decisions which might be seen as selfish or unpopular with those around them. They may also experience anxiety at the prospect of disappointing someone close or letting them down, even if their own instincts are telling them otherwise. As such, they may become stuck in limbo between wanting to please others and following through on what feels right for themselves as individuals.


Settling for Low Responsibility Employment


People who have trouble making decisions frequently show this in the professions they choose. They could favor positions with clear objectives and little to no room for initiative. Their philosophy is to report to work, complete the task at hand, and then leave for home. They may put in a lot of effort and have declined advancements despite being good workers.

Someone who dislikes making judgments would avoid management level positions due to the responsibility involved. Even when it comes to decisions that effect other people, they find it difficult to make their own.
Self-confidence issues

Making significant life decisions requires a certain level of confidence, which is something people with low self-esteem may find difficult. A person with low self-esteem may find it difficult to make straightforward decisions, like what to wear, because they have a poor perception of themselves. It gets difficult for them because they can think they don’t look nice in any clothing.

It’s conceivable that a lack of self-assurance will result in a lack of faith in your own judgement. You may choose to avoid making any decisions at all since you don’t believe you can do so well.


Final Reflections


Making decisions can be quite challenging for people who have low confidence in their own talents. They frequently choose to let others make the crucial decisions.

In conclusion, it is clear that recognizing signs that decision making is difficult can provide an opportunity to make positive changes. This could include turning to trusted advisors for advice, taking a step back to reevaluate the situation or looking at past experiences for guidance. Learning how to make decisions and when to ask for help are essential skills that can benefit us in our personal and professional lives. With the right attitude and strategies, we can make the best decisions for ourselves and those around us.


For help in making better decisions, read more of our related articles here, and consider taking our 10 part eCourse on Pivotal Life Decisions.  Each sub course is emailed to you once per week, with a report guide and a related workbook.


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