Toxic Perfectionism




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Toxic Perfectionism

There is a lot of debate surrounding the ‘why’s’ of toxic perfectionism. What you’re about to read here will give you all the information you need to find out why this ‘thing’ can be harmful to us.

What happens when you put an impossible standard on yourself?  You end up living life in constant fear of failing at something. I’m guilty of this myself. I’m pretty sure you are too. It happens to me every single day. And it’s not healthy.

When you are a perfectionist, you try to achieve so much, and you will never be able to do anything right. Not only that, but you will constantly feel guilty if you fail at something. Because you put so much pressure on yourself to succeed, you will find yourself getting anxious, stressed, and depressed. In fact, the stress you experience while striving for perfection will often cause you to make bad decisions. In the long run, this makes things worse.

This trait has long been thought of as a character flaw. However, it’s actually more common in today’s society than ever. So why does perfectionism hold people back? And what can we do about it?


The Psychology of Perfectionism

Perfectionism is a big problem. In fact, according to a recent study by the American Psychological Association, the word perfection is one of the most common reasons why people don’t succeed. So many people work hard towards a goal but get so caught up in the “perfection” part of the goal that they never achieve it.

While perfectionism is a natural human trait, it can become debilitating if it consumes you. It is an all-or-nothing mindset. The person who believes they can’t possibly do anything well or accurately will end up feeling inadequate at every turn. It can ruin your day.

The research says that perfectionism is often rooted in childhood experiences. A parent’s expectations, whether realistic or not, can shape a child’s view of the world. If your parents didn’t expect much of you in school, you might have learned that it’s difficult to succeed at school. If your parents didn’t care about your weight, you might have realized that eating well is hard work and will only lead to disappointment if you fail. Either way, the message is that success is hard. And it’s not fair. So perfectionism is born, and it’s tough to let go.

Perfectionism is a Double-Edged Sword

Perfectionism can be a double-edged sword. If you are too perfectionistic, you will not enjoy doing things because you think you must do everything perfectly. Sometimes, we feel that we are not good enough, that we aren’t worthy of being happy. It is important to remember that happiness doesn’t come from perfection, it comes from being ourselves and doing the things that we really enjoy.

It is important to realize that perfection is an illusion. There is no perfect person out there, as we all have our weaknesses. We all have flaws. This is why you shouldn’t compare yourself with other people. We all have different strengths and weaknesses. Some people are more motivated than others, and some people are more disciplined than others. Some people are more artistic than others. You have to realize that each of us has different personalities and talents.


The Pressure to Be Perfect

Perfectionism is defined as being excessively concerned with one’s own flaws and inadequacies. People who have high levels of perfectionism tend to be highly self-critical and extremely sensitive to mistakes. If you think about perfectionists, you’ll realize that they have a tough time accepting criticism. To them, if you make a mistake, it means that you are a terrible person or that you’re stupid.

In other words, perfectionists think they are better than everyone else. They’re not very tolerant of others’ opinions. This can be extremely stressful because perfectionists have a difficult time accepting failure. They often put a lot of pressure on themselves to be perfect and expect a lot from themselves. But, if they don’t meet expectations, they are disappointed and feel that they’ve failed.


Perfectionism Can Lead To Anxiety And Depression

Perfectionism can lead to negative emotions and thoughts, such as anxiety, depression, guilt, and shame. In general, perfectionists tend to have an anxious disposition and, if they aren’t able to achieve their goals, are likely to feel depressed. That’s because they have unrealistic expectations and, as such, feel underprepared, undervalued, and overstressed.

When you have a specific goal, it is very important to be realistic about it. When you set your expectations too high, you will be disappointed when you don’t reach those expectations. For example, if you expect to lose 20 pounds in one week, it is possible that you will only lose 3 to 5 pounds. You might think that you failed, but in reality, you did well. If you keep your expectations low, you will be happier with your success.

As a matter of fact, some people call these people “pessimists.” But, being a pessimist doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t aim high. It just means that you shouldn’t set your expectations too high.


Perfectionism Can Hinder Creativity And Productivity

Perfectionism can be a major source of stress, and it has been proven that it can even hinder productivity. A perfectionist who gets stuck on one project or task can burn out, lose focus and create a negative feedback loop that leaves you spinning in circles.

If you think that you are not going to be perfect, you may be able to achieve more, but it doesn’t mean that you can become perfect. We all have limitations. We can’t do everything at once.

When it comes to being productive, we must first acknowledge that we aren’t perfect and will make mistakes. The key to productivity is to focus on our strengths and overcome our weaknesses.


Perfectionism Can Damage Relationships:

Perfectionism can cause problems in your life. For example, you might not be able to enjoy relationships because you are always thinking about something. That means that you are always trying to do things perfectly. People can’t stand perfectionists. In fact, if you are too focused on being perfect, you may not be able to relate to others. People who are always perfect aren’t very fun to be around. They also become annoying to be around because they don’t allow themselves to make mistakes.

They often try too hard to please others. This causes them to try to be perfect all the time. This can make people mad. These people are usually over-critical, and they can be very demanding of others. They don’t have patience with other people as they expect people to do everything perfectly. They have no mercy when others don’t follow their rules. This makes them seem unkind. They think everyone is stupid and ignorant.


The Fear of Failure

People who are perfectionists often fear failure. This can lead to them not trying new things or avoiding challenges.

If you are worried about being perfect, you are definitely going to fail. There is no such thing as perfection, and you should never expect yourself to be perfect. Nobody is perfect. Nobody will be able to achieve everything that they want to achieve. You are probably going to fail at some things. It doesn’t matter if you are an athlete, an actor, or a CEO. You are going to fail at some things. Some people might think that it is wrong to accept failure, but failure is part of life. No one is immune to failure. Failure is inevitable. It is part of the process of life.

Failure is just a way to teach us to work harder and be smarter the next time. You can learn from your failures and use those experiences to become a better person and accomplish more in life. In fact, you can even use failure to motivate you and help you be more successful.

If you are really serious about succeeding in life, you should not wait for the perfect time to do it. You should just do it whenever you have a chance.


The Cost of Perfectionism

In a nutshell, perfectionism can be costly both emotionally and physically. It can lead to people feeling overwhelmed and stressed.

They are so concerned about doing everything right that they often overwork themselves. In fact, they can actually put themselves in danger. When you are trying to do too much, you might get sick and have a heart attack.

If you are not careful, you could hurt yourself. In addition, being a perfectionist may cause you to lose focus on what you really want in life.


How to Overcome Perfectionism?

There are many ways to overcome perfectionism. One approach is to become more accepting of your mistakes and flaws gradually. Start by acknowledging that perfectionism is not a healthy way to live. It is important to accept that you cannot always be perfect and that mistakes are a part of life. When you make a mistake, forgive yourself and move on.

Secondly, set realistic goals for yourself. Don’t try to accomplish everything at once – break down your goals into smaller steps so you can achieve them more easily.



In conclusion, the concept of perfectionism is something we all struggle with at different levels in our lives. We may feel like we have to “do it perfectly” or “be perfect” in order to be considered a success. But it’s impossible. Perfectionism isn’t helpful, especially in life, relationships, or work. Even if you can’t do everything perfectly, being “good enough” is far better than being mediocre.

Perfectionism is not only a psychological trap that can lead to unhappiness and depression, but it can also hinder us from living the life we want. Let go of the guilt of failing to reach your goals and enjoy the journey instead!


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