7 Habits That Increase Anxiety
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7 Habits That Increase Anxiety


When dealing with anxiety, there are seven habits to avoid.

One might be led to assume that the world we live in is becoming crazier by the day at the rate things are going. Trying to avoid stress is becoming a Herculean endeavour, what with vaccine mandates, poisonous politicians, never-ending issues, creeping inflation, and so on.

We might become apprehensive and even paranoid if we let stress get the best of us and let feelings of fear sneak into our minds and fester. Anxiety is a fear of disaster, danger, or imminent worst-case scenarios at its foundation. It’s merely apprehension about what might happen in the future.

The greatest strategy to avoid anxiety is to establish strong stress-management routines in your life. What you don’t do is frequently just as essential as what you do.

If you’re prone to worry, here are seven habits to avoid. Remove them from your life, and you’ll notice that your tension evaporates and vanishes in no time.


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1. Use of social media

dealing with anxietyIf you’re regularly upset or afraid of the news and arguments that take place on platforms like Facebook, stay away from it at all costs.

What was once meant to be a place for fun and enjoyment has devolved into a breeding ground for acrimonious disputes, excessively sensitive people, and generally lousy or phoney news.

Taking a 30- to 60-day sabbatical from social media can be beneficial to your mind and soul.



2. Associating with toxic individuals

Some people can see a flaw in almost every solution. These poisonous people will always make you angry, afraid, or depressed. You’ll grow more upset and anxious the longer you’re around them.

While self-help books will advise you to be the bigger person, you must eventually question yourself if being the bigger person usually implies hanging out with’small’ people.

Your social circle should be upgraded. Spend time with people who are upbeat and make you feel good. You’ll feel less worried and considerably happier as a result.


3. Listening to the news

Agendas may be summed up in two words: the media. That is all there is to it. The news has become less about informing people about current happenings than it is utilised to scare people about pandemics, political concerns, crime rates, and a slew of other topics in order to instil fear and panic — all in the name of achieving ulterior goals, such as higher ratings and more revenue, and political influence.

When you’re constantly monitoring the news, it’s easy to become anxious. This is one of the most harmful behaviours you may have. Remove the news from your life and concentrate on becoming the best version of yourself.


4. Stimulant consumption

Caffeine, sugar, alcohol, cigarettes, energy drinks, and other stimulants may make you feel good for a short time, but they are damaging to your health in the long run.

Reduce your intake of them… It’s also best to get rid of bad habits like smoking completely. Most stimulants contain components and compounds that have been demonstrated to promote anxiety, either directly or indirectly.


5. A sedentary way of life

Sedentary behaviour makes people feel sluggish, dejected, and feeble. Even if you don’t have the time or the desire to exercise, our bodies were designed to move.

Exercise for 15 to 30 minutes each day. Your body will produce endorphins, which will make you feel better. It’s impossible to be both concerned and cheerful at the same moment. This is one of the most significant advantages of exercise.

Furthermore, your strength and stamina will both improve. You’ll feel lot better about your life and be less exhausted all of the time.

Check out this website:  thehiphiker.com    It will give you support and motivation to get up off the couch and get moving again.


6. Getting insufficient sleep

It’s not a good idea to have the candles burning at both ends all the time. Material achievement and money have been made to appear to be the be-all and end-all of life by society.

However, if you’re constantly anxious because you’re sacrificing sleep for work, you’ll not only be weary, angry, and high-strung, but your productivity will suffer as well.

Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Allow your mind and body to unwind. It’s one of the most effective methods for reducing anxiety.


7. Making comparisons to others are ‘lose, lose’ scenarios

When you compare yourself to others, you almost always feel worse about yourself. If you believe someone else has it better than you, you will be unhappy with your own life and envious of theirs.

If you believe you are superior than others, you are likely to be insecure on the inside, and your beliefs are a reflection of your insecurity.

It’s not a good prognosis in any case.

The idea is to continuously compare yourself to the person who came before you… and make an effort to improve. Always strive to improve on your personal bests, but don’t punish yourself for it. In a fair amount of time, make measurable progress.

When you stop comparing yourself to others, you’ll find pleasure. If no one is after you, don’t run.


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To sum up…

If you follow the advice in this article, you will notice a reduction in your anxiety. You should also strive to stay positive by meditating, and finding ways to de-stress (e.g. praying, playing an instrument, gratitude journaling, watching comedies,  etc.).

Find what works best for you and do it on a regular basis. Always keep in mind that life is meant to be lived, not controlled.

The latter, on the other hand, will only cause tension. Allow it to go.

“Our worry stems from a desire to influence the future, not from thinking about it.” Kahlil Gibran (Kahlil Gibran)


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